Monday, October 6, 2008


So I have not written on here in a long time. I really do feel bad about that. Well let me just tell you guys about what has been going on since I last wrote.

I have been teaching for a month now and I have finally gotten the hang of my days and the many changes in the schedule. I teach two 5th grade classes on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am really enjoying it. The kids are awesome and even though there are times that it is awkward because either I am saying something wierd in Mongolian or they don't speak much English. We have fun. I was afraid when school first started because kids all over the city would say hello to me and I did not know them. I was afraid I would not recognize my students and I would feel bad about it. After a month I can recognize almost all of my students and they even walk me home after class on somedays. My mongolian is getting better and that is a good thing.

A few weeks ago the teachers had a competition where we dressed as people in the Army and we marched around. We ran out to the country and did different events where we had to march, run, carry boxes of bullets, and shoot AK47s. It was pretty awesome. I did not care for the running because I am a fat kid and I cannot run. Our team did not win first but we got 3rd. It was pretty cool though. It was the first time I shot an AK47.

Well it finally happened.....they winterized my ger a few weeks ago and it is so much warmer inside. I could not believe how much the extra layer of wool or felt could keep me warm. They also put a ong layer of material around the bottom of the ger and they burried my ger about a foot with dirt and that also helps keep the heat inside my ger.

This weekend was not a good weekend. I started getting sick on Thursday I just was not feeling well and I felt kind of tired. On Friday I decided to try to take a nap just to get some rest. When I woke up from my nap I had a 103 degree temp and in the next 2 hours it went up to 104.8. I took some tylenol and later the fever broke and I started to feel better. Later in the night I started to feel like crap again and took some medicine and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning and I was even sicker than the day before. Let me just say there is nothing worse than having a toiletless outhouse when you are sick and running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I think that after this weekend my leg muscles have gotten a great workout. LOL!!!!

Well I think that is about it and that is all that is going on with me. I am sorry for not writing for so long.

Thanks for reading!!!!


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