Thursday, January 17, 2008

New year, New semester, New Experiences

Since I was a freshman in college have wanted to spend at least a year overseas teaching. I have worked hard to accomplish that goal. In May of last year I decided to apply for the Peace Corps. I am excited because on Monday I got a call from the headquarters in Washington DC and I was informed they are ready to offer me an invitation. I am so excited and I am so anxious to find out where in Asia they are going to send me. I should be getting my invitation in the next couple of days. I am so excited that everything I did to get to this point is now paying off. I will post more info when I get my letter.


INTRI-KATE said...

Jeff, that's awesome! I've always been intrigued by the Peace Corps. I know it will be a very exciting and rewarding experience for you. Keep us 'posted.'


Anonymous said...

Way to go Jeff! The best way to change the world is one person at a time.

Lynna said...

Congrats!!! I hope that you enjoy this wonderful experience as much as you believe that you will. I am sure that it will be a fantastic learning experience for you.